
Our leadership team

The Executive Leadership Team (ELT), led by our Chief Executive Officer Heidi Travis, are responsible for the day-to-day running of Sue Ryder. Bernice Ackah is our Company Secretary and General Counsel.

The role of the ELT is to lead the organisation; develop our yearly strategic goals and objectives; ensure that Sue Ryder runs efficiently and effectively on a day-to-day basis; and ensure we are compliant with all regulatory bodies.

The team reports regularly on the organisation’s progress to the Board of Trustees.

Heidi Travis smiling directly at the camera.
Heidi Travis, Chief Executive Officer
Heidi Travis took on the role of Chief Executive in September 2013. She joined Sue Ryder in March 2010 as Director of Retail.
A photo of Jo Lee smiling at the camera
Jo Lee, Executive Strategic Programme Director
Jo took on the role of Executive Strategic Programme Director in April 2022.
A photo of Kirsten Stevens smiling at the camera
Kirsten Stevens, Chief Finance Officer
Kirsten joined Sue Ryder in 2018 to Head up the Finance Department. In May 2023, Kirsten was appointed as Sue Ryder's Chief Finance Officer.
A photo of Martin Wildsmith smiling into the camera
Martin Wildsmith, Chief Commercial Officer
Martin joined Sue Ryder, taking up the Director of Retail and E-commerce role in June 2020. He was appointed Chief Commerical Officer in July 2023.
A photo of Paul Perkins smiling at the camera
Dr Paul Perkins, Chief Medical Director
Paul has been Chief Medical Director since June 2019. He still works clinically two days a week as a consultant in Palliative Medicine based at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice.
A photo of Jane Turner smiling at the camera
Jane Turner, Chief Nursing Officer
Jane joined Sue Ryder as Deputy Chief Nurse in 2015 and became Deputy Director of Nursing and Experience in April 2021. Jane became Sue Ryder's Chief Nursing Officer in August 2023.
A photo of Tracey Taylor-Huckfield smiling at the camera
Tracey Taylor-Huckfield, Chief People and Culture Officer
Tracey is our Chief People and Culture Officer. She joined Sue Ryder as Director of People at the end of November 2016, took on responsibility for Marketing & Communications in December 2019 and then also IS&T in April 2021.
Bernice Ackah, Sue Ryder's Company Secretary and General Counsel
Bernice Ackah, Company Secretary and General Counsel
Bernice joined Sue Ryder as Company Secretary and General Counsel in September 2023.
A Sue Ryder nurse in a blue uniform smiles directly at the camera. She has a nametag and a rainbow page on her uniform.
About Sue Ryder
For over 70 years Sue Ryder's doctors, nurses and carers have given people the compassion and expert care they need to help them live the best life they possibly can.
A Sue Ryder hospice volunteer serving breakfast to a patient in bed
How we make an impact
How we are making a difference by providing vital care and support to people going through the most difficult times of their lives.
A Sue Ryder nurse in blue scrubs arrives at a patient's house. In the background is a Sue Ryder branded car and in the foreground is the back of the person opening the front door.
How we work
Read about our vision, strategy and the values that guide everything we do.