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Our impact in 2023-24

Sue Ryder is here to make sure everyone approaching the end of their life or living with grief can access the support they need. Here, you can find out more about the difference our vital care and services have made over the past year.

Our specialist teams have been there when it matters, from caring for people at the end of their lives, to helping others to manage their grief.

On this page we’ve gathered some key numbers which help demonstrate the impact we’re having in the areas of end-of-life care and bereavement support. As well as some real stories from the people we've helped.

End-of-life care

  • We delivered more than 672,500 hours of end-of-life care.
  • We cared for more than 9,400 people in our hospices and in their homes.
  • 700 Sue Ryder Nurses and doctors provided expert care to people approaching the end of their lives.
  • Over 62,800 face-to-face visits were made by our Hospice at Home and community teams, giving essential care to patients.

They did everything they could to make us feel comfortable. The doctors and nurses there were just incredible.

Naomi speaking about the care of her mum Rachel at our hospice in Reading

End-of-life care: Molly's story

Bereavement support

In the middle of the night when you can’t sleep, someone – a complete stranger – will be there to say, ‘It’s OK, I’ve been there.'

Sarah, who used our online bereavement services, including the Online Bereavement Community

Grief support: Alice’s story

Impact Report and Trustees’ Report and Accounts

If you require an accessible version for use with a screen reader, please contact

A Sue Ryder Nurse comforting a patient and holding their hand
Our approach to quality
How we deliver on our commitment to delivering exceptional care for patients and their families.
A Sue Ryder nurse in blue scrubs arrives at a patient's house. In the background is a Sue Ryder branded car and in the foreground is the back of the person opening the front door.
How we work
Read about our vision, strategy and the values that guide everything we do.
A nurse in a white uniform leans towards a patient sat on a bed, they are looking at each other and smiling slightly
Our campaigns
We are working towards a future when everyone, who is dying or grieving, can access the quality of care they need and deserve.