
Information about simple Wills and simple mirror Wills

A simple Will includes:

  • Appointing up to four executors to carry out the provision of the Will.
  • Clauses appointing a guardian for any children under 18.
  • Up to ten individual monetary gifts.
  • Up to ten individual specific items (possessions) as gifts.
  • Clauses listing the intended beneficiaries of the remaining estate.
  • Provisions for simple funeral wishes

A standard simple Will does not include:

  • Tax planning and advice
  • Protective property trusts
  • Rights of occupation
  • Life interest, discretionary or other complex trusts
  • Disabled persons trust

A mirror Will consists of two virtually identical Wills typically made by a couple (married/civil partner or not) who usually leave everything to each other and on the death of the remaining partner the estate is divided as instructed.