
Remember a Charity Week

Gifts in Wills from kind supporters like you are vital to help our work continue.

Leave a legacy of kindness and care

Sue Ryder believes no one should ever be alone in death or grief. Yet demand for palliative care is expected to increase by 55% in the next ten years and Sue Ryder’s services will be needed more than ever in the future.

We must be ready. And through your kindness, we can be.

See the legacy of care you can leave

Why leave a gift in your Will to Sue Ryder?

A gift in your Will to Sue Ryder means more people will get the kindness and care they need – now and in the future. Your gift can take away someone’s pain, making them comfortable and giving them time to make those last precious memories with their families.

Your kindness can extend to families going through grief too. Your gift can help them learn to live with their grief with the support of our bereavement counsellors and Online Community.

Kindness and care can be the legacy you leave behind

We understand that gifts in Wills are a personal matter, friends and family always come first, but when you have taken care of them, please consider leaving a small share of what is left to Sue Ryder. 

Leaving a legacy of kindness helps us to continue providing our expert, compassionate care for the people we support.

Funding our expert care

Gifts in Wills left by our kind supporters fund over 400,000 hours of our expert care each year, providing kindness and care to families during some of the most difficult and devastating times of their lives.

By leaving a gift in your Will to Sue Ryder, you will help to provide vital end-of-life care and bereavement support.

Learn more about leaving a gift in your Will to Sue Ryder or fill out the form below to get your free Gifts in Wills Guide.

Guide cover, with the title 'Let your kindness and care live on'

Order our free gifts in Wills guide

Find out how to write or update your Will and see how your kindness and care can live on through our work. Available via email or in the post.