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Referring a patient to Sue Ryder services

If you are a healthcare professional and would like more information about referring a patient to Sue Ryder, please contact the relevant care centre using the phone numbers below, or follow the links for more information about specific care centres.

Palliative care

One female Sue Ryder Clinical Nurse Specialist and one male Healthcare assistant chatting and laughing with one another in a Sue Ryder hospice
Find a local care service
We have palliative care hubs, hospices and community support in a number of different counties across England.
A nurse in a light blue Sue Ryder uniform smiles at a female patient sat up in a bed.
For healthcare professionals
We have a variety of information and resources available for health and social care professionals.
A doctor in blue scrubs is stood next to a patient's bed, using a stethoscope to listen to the patient's heart.
Education and training
If you are an end-of-life care professional, find out how we can support your learning and development.