
Keeping safe and warm with a terminal illness

Everyone should be able to stay safe and warm, but this is even more important if you have a health condition.

This page offers information on some ways you can manage problems with your heating, electricity and water supply.

Why is it important to stay safe and warm?

The reasons for keeping our appliances, like boilers and ovens, safe might seem obvious. But your home being cold can have a serious impact on your health too.

You should be able to keep your home to a minimum of 18°C. Your main living area should be 21°C.

This is particularly important if you:

  • Have health problems that mean you are more likely to have issues with your heart or breathing problems if you aren’t warm enough.
  • Use medical equipment that needs electricity.
  • Are more vulnerable to infections which are more easily spread in the cold. A reliable source of water is also needed to stay clean.
  • Would find it harder to recover from falls and injuries, which are more likely when your brain and your body is working hard to stay warm.
  • May be dealing with stress, anxiety and mental health challenges relating to your illness which are made worse by cold, unsafe and unpleasant living conditions.

Common problems are:

  • You cannot afford to pay your bills or are using less water, electricity, or heating so that you can.
  • You are having problems communicating with providers, or you cannot understand your bills.
  • Your supply or the appliances in your home are not working properly.
  • Your provider is repairing the equipment that supplies your home, cutting off your supply for a short time.

Information on staying safe and warm with a terminal illness

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Safe and warm: Useful contacts
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Illustration of a hand writing in a book
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