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Community Day Services at Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice

On this page, you’ll find all the information you need to know about our Community Day Services - from what we offer to how to refer your patients.

Our Community Day Services

At Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice, our aim is to improve the quality of life of our patients and those close to them.

As part of our care, we offer a range of day services at our hospice in Oxenhope, near Keighley, providing specialist support in a friendly, relaxed setting.

Our programmes and group sessions are led by an expert team of Sue Ryder Nurses, physiotherapists and other specialists, with a focus on wellbeing, quality of life and helping you to self-manage your symptoms. You will also have the chance to connect with people in a similar situation.

Transport can be provided, and you are welcome to invite a friend, carer or relative to accompany you to any of our sessions if you wish to

Living Well

Living Well is a six-week programme focused on helping patients to live well with life-limiting illnesses.

Alongside seated exercises, tai chi and guided mindfulness, the 90-minute sessions also include activities and discussions on the following topics:

  • fatigue management
  • anxiety management
  • the benefits of exercise
  • complementary therapies

Breathe Better

The Breathe Better programme is specifically for patients with long-term respiratory conditions.

Led by physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nursing staff and guest speakers, the weekly sessions will cover a range of topics relevant to your condition, helping you to increase your knowledge and confidence in managing your symptoms.

Staying Steady

If you have a history of falls, fear of falls, or an increased risk of falling, our team can help you to increase your strength, flexibility and balance, and learn how to reduce risk.

Self-care and stress management

This programme will equip you with tools and techniques to help with stress management and self-care during difficult and challenging times.

It focuses on the concept and practice of mindfulness, which can help you to feel calmer, more self-aware, and better able to cope with difficult or unhelpful thoughts and feelings.

Who can access these services?

Any patient over the age of 18 who has been diagnosed with a progressive life-limiting illness can be referred to our services.

All referrals should be made through a healthcare professional, so please speak with yourGP, district nurse or nurse specialist if you are interested in accessing any of our programmes or services.

For more information, please call our day services team on 01535 642 308.

Information for referrers/healthcare professionals

Research has shown that early intervention from palliative care improves quality of life and achieves better outcomes, so we are really keen to work with you to support your patients following their diagnosis.

If you’d like to refer your patient to our service, you can do so using System 1, or contact us on 01535 642 308 for more information.