Our promise to you
Our supporters are incredibly important to us. Without your help, we simply wouldn’t be able to help the people who need us – or carry on providing and developing the services that so many depend on.
The Sue Ryder fundraising team is here to raise money to fund the work we do – but we can’t do it without you.
You support us in all kinds of valuable ways – whether it’s giving up your time, donating money, goods or services, campaigning, or spreading the word about what we do. However you decide to help, we’ll always respect your rights and your choices.
We’ve drawn up seven pledges so you can be clear on what you can expect from us.
Our seven pledges
- We’ll tell you why we need your support, but we understand that it’s your choice whether to give money or help us in other ways.
- You can change your contact preferences at any time and we will respect your choice.
- We’ll protect the information you give us and comply with the law around personal data.
- Sometimes we use external suppliers to help us. We’ll always hold them to account and make sure they behave appropriately.
- We’ll make sure that anyone who represents us is aware of how to recognise someone who may be vulnerable, and sticks to the policies we’ve put in place to safeguard them.
- We’ll comply with current regulations and best practice set out by regulatory and professional membership bodies such as the Charity Commission, Fundraising Regulator and the Institute of Fundraising.
- We’ll ask you to tell us when something goes wrong.
What to do if something goes wrong
It’s very important to us that anyone who represents Sue Ryder behaves appropriately. That means they should be polite, respectful and aware that anyone can be in a vulnerable situation – even if it’s not immediately apparent.
It also means that nobody should be pressurised, or made to feel guilty for not supporting us. We need to know if someone is behaving in a way that doesn’t reflect these values.
Please let us know:
- If you feel that someone representing Sue Ryder has behaved inappropriately.
- If you think that someone who may be in a vulnerable position has been contacted by Sue Ryder.
- If you, or someone you know, feel they are receiving too many communications from charities and are finding this difficult to cope with.
Please let us know about these, or any other concerns. Your feedback is very valuable to us and we will give every comment, however big or small, our serious consideration.
Get in touch
Call us on 0808 164 4572 (Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, except Bank Holidays) or email our Supporter Care team at supportercare@sueryder.org
More information and advice