
A gold medal winning garden

The power of the garden's ability to create a safe and peaceful sanctuary was recognised in the form of a prestigous gold medal. It will now be relocated to Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice in Bedford.

Katherine wins a gold medal

Garden Designer Katherine Holland, sitting in the Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden with her Gold Award

Katherine said: "I’m absolutely thrilled and deeply honoured to receive this medal for the Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden. This garden holds a very special place in my heart as it embodies the type of space I felt I needed when I was grieving, which I know will resonate with so many.

“Creating this space has been a labour of love, intended to offer solace and reflection to those navigating a bereavement, whilst encouraging open conversations around grief. This recognition is testament to all the team’s hard work and dedication. It’s been a privilege to be able to highlight the important work that Sue Ryder does in providing support to people experiencing grief.

I hope the garden will bring comfort and beauty to those who need it most. Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this garden together and to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show for this incredible honour.

Katherine Holland, designer of our Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden

Maria Savoskula's photo of the Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden, with a table and chairs surrounded by flowers and plants

A place of solace

“At the RHS Hampton Court Show, we found so many people connected with the space and shared their stories of grief with us, highlighting a real need to discuss it,” says Katherine Holland, the award-winning garden designer behind our Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden.

“So, for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, I really wanted to build upon the conversations we started about grief using the medium of plants. I hope the Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden will encourage people to have these very important conversations around grief, whilst surrounded by nature and see it as a place of solace to help to learn to live with grief.”

A design plan, showing the Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden, with grass, flowers and deck chairs

A lasting legacy

Now the show is complete, the garden will be relocated in its entirety to Sue Ryder St John’s Hospice in Bedford.

Its new location will provide a long-lasting legacy, as a dedicated space for grieving and reflection. It will be able to accommodate varying mobility needs and will offer a place of solace for hospice staff, patients, their families and the local community.

Maria Savoskula's photo of the Sue Ryder Grief Kind Garden, showing a table and benches surrounded by flowers and plants