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Support for young people dealing with grief and bereavement

When someone close to you has died, you don’t have to cope alone. There are a range of bereavement support services and resources available to help you during this difficult time.

From face-to-face therapy and online support groups to websites, podcasts and Instagram accounts, we’ve gathered some ideas here so you can see what feels most useful for you. 

If you’re a young person who’s in crisis and you need urgent help right now, you can:


Video: Top tips for grief

In this video from Let’s Talk About Loss, young people share their top tips for dealing with grief.


Hearing others talking openly about the reality of losing someone they love can be hugely helpful. Podcasts enable you to listen in your time and at your pace. Here are a few to try. 

  • The Grief Gang – Amber Jeffrey aims to break down taboos around death and grief by sharing her own experiences of loss along with her guests.
  • Griefcast – Cariad Lloyd talks to funny people about “pain, loss and the weirdness that happens when someone dies”. Podcast of the Year 2018.
  • Dead Parent Club  – Kat and Emma speak candidly about their own grief journeys and are joined by guests and experts to help as you navigate this new normal. 

Instagram accounts

  • @thegriefspace_ – A ‘safe haven for grievers’, with grief talks and resources, and support for young people experiencing loss. 
  • @talkaboutloss – The Insta-home of Let’s Talk About Loss, which organises meet-ups for bereaved young people aged 18 to 35. 
  • @goodgrief_uk – The Good Grief Space, an online membership space helping people with grief, anxiety, low self-esteem and identity after loss.
  • @winstonswish – The Winston’s Wish Instagram account. It shares supportive content for young people and news about the charity. 

Websites and blogs

  • Grief Encounter has grief guides and a helpline for young people, as well as running retreats, workshops and events. 
  • Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It’s a safe place where you can learn from other young people about how to cope with grief and feel less alone.
  • Let’s Talk About Loss has a blog where young people share their experiences of grief and loss, including the things that have helped them and the things they’ve learned. 
  • Help 2 Make Sense is a website for young people, with stories and content to show you’re not alone and help you come to terms with loss.

Helplines and other support

If you want to speak to someone anonymously, or without arranging it in advance, you can use these free helpline, web chat and email services:

Support groups

  • Winston’s Wish hosts online support groups for young people aged 13 to 18 who have lost a parent, sibling or close relative.
  • Let’s Talk About Loss organises meet-ups across the UK for young people aged 18 to 35. They’re a safe space to share stories and struggles without fear, judgement or awkward silences.
  • Sue Ryder’s Online Community is a place to share experiences of loss, get things off your chest, ask questions and chat to people of all ages who understand. Please note you need to be over 18 to register.
  • Refugee Council runs psychosocial support groups where refugees can share their experiences, including loss, grief and separation from loved ones. 


Bereavement counsellors are specially trained to support people after someone important to them has died. These counselling services are free to access.

  • Sue Ryder Online Bereavement Counselling – following an assessment, we offer six free sessions of video counselling for people over 18 who are struggling with grief and loss.
  • Counselling from Grief Encounter – short or long-term counselling is available online or face-to-face in North London and some schools.
  • Refugee Council offers free one-to-one counselling for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK who are coping with grief, loss and trauma.

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