
Volunteer Voice

At Sue Ryder, we have an annual survey for all our volunteers called Volunteer Voice. The feedback you share via the survey helps our Volunteering Team to understand what is working well and where we can make improvements so your experience is the best it can be.

The Volunteer Voice logo in blue text, with orange and blue quotation marks to the right

Some updates for you - You said, We did

Here are a few updates on what we have put in place since our 2023 survey, thanks to your feedback.

You said:

You wanted more opportunities to provide feedback.

We did:

  • In March 2024, we set up a Volunteer Forum and invited all volunteers to apply to take part. From those that applied, we selected 12 volunteers from a diverse range of locations, roles and backgrounds. Volunteer Forum members will be invited to share their experiences and insights, to help shape the future of our volunteering programmes.
  • Our new-look Volunteer Hub has an easy-to-use suggestion box for volunteers to submit feedback or ideas at any time.

You said:

Some volunteers felt they weren’t always made to feel appreciated, especially during visits from senior management.

We did:

  • We raised these concerns with senior managers and highlighted them at meetings so these visits could be improved.
  • Regional managers in retail have recently received positive feedback from volunteers after visits to shops, showing that senior managers are listening to concerns raised.
  • In June, we will be launching a national campaign to remind staff across the charity how important it is to show their appreciation for volunteers, with top tips on ways to say thank you.
  • We have recently visited various shops to show our appreciation and celebrate key milestones with our volunteers. Visits included a 90th birthday and 35 years of service.

You said:

You had some concerns about manager training and the support you received.

We did:

  • We have set up regular bitesize training sessions for our retail managers.
  • In Healthcare, we launched our Volunteer Buddy scheme. This pairs volunteers up with a staff buddy who acts as a friendly face for them to go to with any questions or problems.
  • Healthcare and Retail Volunteer Coordinators now have quarterly training and development sessions to meet the specific needs mentioned in the survey results.
  • Mandatory volunteer management training for shop managers has been launched and well received.

You said:

You’d like more support with your wellbeing while you’re volunteering.

We did:

  • We redesigned our supervision questions. Your regular check-ins and annual reviews should now have a focus on your wellbeing, and how we can help you feel happy and healthy.
  • We introduced lots of new wellbeing resources to our Volunteer Hub, which volunteers can access at any time.

You said:

Some healthcare volunteers wanted more opportunities to socialise and meet other volunteers.

We did:

  • Regular volunteer meetings and social gatherings have now been set up at all our hospices. Local Volunteer Coordinators will share the dates in advance to make sure everyone that wants to attend can.