Types of fundraising volunteer roles
From bucket collections to cheers stations on race day, you’ll find lots of fundraising volunteer roles at Sue Ryder.

Volunteering with our fundraising team
We’re always looking for new people to join our team as volunteers, so that we can make our fundraising events the best they can possibly be. Whether helping out at our national events or chipping in at a local community fundraiser, you’ll be part of the team who make these such special occasions for everyone.
Fundraising volunteers help us with:
- event support
- collection box and distribution
- cash counting
- general office support (data entry, envelope stuffing)
- advice and care to supporters fundraising for Sue Ryder
- giving talks about Sue Ryder.
Cheerpoint volunteers
Volunteers can cheer from our Sue Ryder Cheerpoints at the noisiest spot on the route, spurring on our runners and giving them extra motivation to cross that finish line.
Post-race volunteers
You could give runners the biggest "Congratulations!", "Well done!" and "Welcome back!" after they have passed the finish line. We chat to runners about their inspiration for running for Sue Ryder, asking how the race was for them. It's also a good place for friends and family of runners to meet up on the day.
Community events
Each year our fundraising team and supporters work tirelessly to raise the money needed to run our vital grief support and end-of-life care. We couldn’t do this without the support of our volunteers, and there are plenty of ways you can get involved. Whether that’s volunteering with one of our local fundraising teams, or organising your own activity.
Get in touch
To register your interest, please contact us through our quick apply form.
For further information and advice, you can call our Volunteer Team on 0808 164 4572 or email them at volunteering@sueryder.org

Volunteer with us
Join thousands of volunteers helping us be there when it matters for people going through the most difficult time of their lives.
More information and advice